Welcome to Accessidroid!
Accessidroid is your one-stop-shop for Android information that has you, the visually impaired Android user, in mind.Designed by VI Android users, for VI Android users.
Current. Relevant. Reliable
No more having to sift through old Google Groups or pages of search results for information that may or may not be accurate. Android accessibility is constantly improving, but not to worry, for we will stay caught up with the latest and most relevant happenings.
Efficient. All-encompassing. Vendor-neutral
IN the market for a new phone or tablet? Sweet! Look to our device reviews section for all the information you will need on all ranges of devices and their accessibility. Our information knows no brand preference, just unbiassed assessments of device performance and accessibility. You’re sure to find the droids you’re looking for here!
Struggling to find good accessible apps? No problem! Look to our apps page for apps that are accessible, as well as apps to avoid for now while alerting the developers of their inaccessibility.
Want a quick guide on using an app or accessory, or performing an Android function? Look to our guides and podcasts!
No pigeonholing needed, Accessidroid’s got everything you could ask for out of an Android information resource!
So, what are you waiting for?
Go forth and explore, and don’t worry; you can’t get lost here.